International Journal of  ChemTech Research 


Vol.1, No.4, OCT-DEC 2009                             CODEN(USA): IJCRGG      ISSN : 0974-4290

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A Validated Specific Reverse Phase Liquid Chromatographic Method for the estimation of Sibutramine Hydrochloride Monohydrate in bulk drug and capsule dosage forms


A.P. Suthar, S.A. Dubey and S.R. Patel


CT- 2       


Corrosion Resistance of Commercial Roofing Sheets to Acid Rain Water in Eleme,Rivers, Nigeria


Bala Isah Abdulkarim, Yusuf Ahmed Abdullahi, Kamoru Adio Salam.

CT- 3       


Planar Chromatographic Studies on Abies webbiana Leaves


Ashoke Kumar Ghosh and Sanjib Bhattacharya


CT- 4       


Design and In vitro Evaluation of Oral Floating Matrix Tablets of Aceclofenac

Ravi Kumar, Swati Patil, M. B. Patil, Sachin R. Patil, Mahesh S. Paschapur


CT- 5       


Development and Validation of HPTLC Method for Determination of Glycyrrhizin in Herbal Extract and in Herbal Gel

Varsha M. Jadhav, Uttam S. Kedar, Sachin B. Gholve, Vilasrao J. Kadam


CT- 6       


Balanced dialysis and uv-vis spectroscopic investigation of zinc interferences in absorption and transformation of iron in apo-transferrin

R.Razmara, M. Saleh Moghadam and A. Nezhadali

CT- 7       


Formulation Evaluation of Mouth Dissolving Tablets of Fenofibrate Using Sublimation Technique


Ravi Kumar, Swati Patil, M. B. Patil, Sachin R. Patil, Mahesh S. Paschapur

CT- 8       


Effect of Fluid Flow Rates on Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Co-Current Three Phase Fluidized Beds with Spherical Glass Bead Particles


A.Sivalingam and T.Kannadasan


CT- 9       


Antimicrobial Screening of Different Extract of Anacardium occidentale Linn. Leaves

Akash P.Dahake, Vishal D.Joshi, Arun B.Joshi




Activated Charcoal: Preparation, characterization and Applications : A review article

A. Mohammad-Khah and R. Ansari


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