International Journal of  PharmTech Research 


Vol.2, No.2, April-June 2010                                                CODEN(USA): IJPRIF      ISSN : 0974-4304

                    INDEX  Click the titles for PDF

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Antifungal Activity of Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn. and Emblica Officinalis Gaertn. by Direct Bioautography Method

Tharkar P. R.  , Tatiya A. U.,  Shinde P. R ., Surana S. J., Patil U. K.




Design and Evaluation of Drug Loaded Erythrocytes

Sudha S. Rathod, S. G. Deshpande, Dhiraj  S. Nikam and  Mudra  S. Rathod



Pentacyclic Triterpinoids from Betula utilis and Hyptis suaveolens


Prince P. Sharma, R. K. Roy B and Anurag, Dinesh Gupta



Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Estimation of Rabeprazole Sodium and Domperidone in combined dosage forms


Baldha R. G., Patel Vandana. B. and Mayank Bapna

PT=95               (1569-1573)

Phytochemical Screening and Antibacterial Activity of Syzygium cumini (L.) (Myrtaceae) Leaves Extracts

S. Shyamala Gowri and K. Vasantha

PT=96               (1574-1577)

Formulation and Evaluation of Mouth Dissolving Tablets of Ranitidine HCl


Sachin Sharma, Jitendra Kumar,Arun Arya, Amrish Chandra, Pankaj Jaiswal

PT=97               (1578-1583)

Preparation and Evaluation of Flurbiprofen Gel; Mucilage of Cocculus hirsutus Leaf Powder

as Gel Base


K. Mallikarjuna Rao, K. Gnanaprakash, A.V. Badarinath, C.Madhusudhana Chetty, M. Alagusundaram

PT=98               (1584-1594)

Enantioseparation of Chiral Drugs – An Overview


Bhupinder Singh Sekhon

PT=99               (1595-1602)

Separation of Pharmaceutical Enantiomers using Supercritical Fluid Technology

Bhupinder Singh Sekhon

PT=100               (1603-1608)

Anticancer Evaluation of Artemisia nilagirica


Devmurari V.P., Jivani N.P.

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