INDEX Page-2.
Aging–induced Microstructural Changes in M250 Maraging Steel using In-situUltrasonic Measurements
Study of Well-Structured Titanium Nanotubes AnodeSynthesisfor Solar Cell Applicationby Electrochemical Anodization Method
Studying the Functional Properties of Linen Fabrics Treated with Microwave and Natural Green Dyes
Investigation on Combustion Synthesis of Nanocyrstalline Nickel Ferrite Using Sodium Azide as a Potential Fuel
Production of Synbiotic Ice Cream
In Silico Docking of Chemical Compounds from Roselle Calyces (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) as Antidiabetic
A novelsynthesis of Mn(II)-metoclopramide complexand its characterization.
Solvent free fluorescein dye and its application use Microwave
Studies on Structural and Electrical Properties of NaHCO3 Doped PVA Films for Electrochemical Cell Applications
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