Numbers) |
Title of Paper and
Names of Authors |
(1661-1664) |
Inhibition Studies Of Mild Steel With Carrier Oil Stabilized Of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Incorporated Into A Paint
K. L.
Palanisamy, V.Devabharathi And N. Meenakshi Sundaram |
(1665-1674) |
The future vision of the
application of genetic algorithm in designing a fluidized
catalytic cracking unit and chemical engineering systems -a
far-reaching review.
Sukanchan Palit |
(1675-1681) |
An Experimental
Investigation on neat Ceiba Pentandra Oil Methyl Ester as a
Renewable Bio-Fuel for Diesel Engine
S.Kathirvelu, Dr.N.Shenbaga Vinayaga Moorthi, Dr.S.Neela
Krishnan Dr. P Koshy Mathews |
(1682-1688) |
Optimal Design of
William – Otto Process Plant Using Differential Evolution
Gopalakrishnan B, Bhaba
PK |
(1689-1692) |
Synthesis and characterization of oleic acid stabilized
magnetic - Polypyrrole (PPy) Core-Shell nanoparticles via
emulsion polymerization
D.Prabu, R. Parthiban |
(1693-1701) |
of corrosion of mild steel in sulphuric acid by 2-Picoline
N-Oxide and 4-Picoline N-Oxide
G. Kavitha, S. Jegannathan, and C. Vedhi |
(1702-1707) |
Asir Abraham, U.Sankar , S.Perumal, P.Selvarajan |
(1708-1712) |
Examination of
antibacterial properties of pure and aluminum doped zinc
oxide nanoparticles
Srinivasan J. C. Kannan and S. Satheeskumar |
(1713-1719) |
Synthesis and
Characterization of Carboxyethyl Delonix regia Gum.
A. Y.
Dhande and R.Y. Chaudhari |
(1720-1728) |
This paper is withdrawn . |