INDEX Page-1. |
Numbers) |
Title of Paper and
Names of Authors |
(01-11) |
Application of
hexaconazole to ameliorate salinity stress by inducing some
antioxidant enzymes in mung bean, Vigna radiata L. plant
Safi-naz S. Zaki and
Bekheta M.A. |
(12-19) |
Assessing the
performance and variability of some Sugar beet varieties
using Self-organizing map artificial neural network and
Cluster analysis
O. M. Ibrahim, A.A. Gaafar, Asal M.
Wali and M.M. Tawfik |
(20-26) |
Can humic acid replace
part of the applied mineral fertilizers? A study on two
wheat cultivars grown under calcareous soil conditions
Asal M. Wali, Elham A. Badr,
Ibrahim O.M. and Ghalab E.G. |
(27-36) |
Changes the
Microclimate Using Some Protection Treatments for Early
Grape Production in South of Egypt
Hamed Mohamed El-Saeed, M.S. Abd
Elwahed, H.F. Abouziena
and E.R. El-Desoki |
(37-42) |
Determination of
nutritional value and lignocellulosic biomass of six
halophytic plants grown under saline irrigation in South
Tawfik, M. M.,
Wafaa M. Haggag, Mirvat, E. Gobarah, M. O. Kabish and
S. F. El Habbasha |
(43-53) |
Effect of Foliar
Application of Bio and Micronutrients Fertilizer on
Increasing Productivity of Fenugreek Yield
Amal, G. Ahmed,
Magda, H. Mohamed, Nabila, M. Zaki , M. S. Hassanein and
Mirvat E. Gobarah |
(54-83) |
Evaluation of Some
Soil Conditioners by Tetra-Factorial Computer Model and
Their Effects on Some Soil Chemical Properties and its
El-Maddah E. I.; M. El-D. El-Sodany and A. A. Mahmoud.
(84-92) |
natural alternatives to methyl bromide in greenhouse
cantaloupe for yield, quality and disease control
Abdalla A. Ghoname, Gamal S. Riad,
Abdel-Mohsen M. El-basiouny, Amira M. Hegazi, and Riad S.
El-Mohamady |
(93-99) |
Flowers Production
and Chemical Constituents of Helichrysum bracteatum Andr. as
Influenced by Plant Spacing and NK Fertilization
Badawy E.M., Soad M.M. Ibrahim,
Farahat M.M., NicolaS.M., SolimanD.M. |
(100-113) |
Impact of
formulated Azospirillum lipoferum, Bacillus polymyxa and
Nostoc muscorum on Wheat productivity
Manal A.H. El-Gamal, Hanaa A.
Abo-Kora and O.N. Massoud
(114-122) |
Impact of treated
sewage water irrigation on some growth parameters, yield and
chemical composition of sunflower,Helianthus annuus L.
Safi-naz S. Zaki and M.M. Shaaban |
(123-130) |
Life table of Bracon
hebetor say. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) reared on different
Farag, N.A; I.A. Ismail; H.H.A.
Elbehery; R.S. Abdel-Rahman and M.A. Abdel-Raheem |
(131-136) |
potentiality and pigments content of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
L. as affected by gamma radiation
Kh.I.Hashish; Lobna, S. Taha and
Soad, M.M. Ibrahim |
(137-148) |
Optimization of
pyocyanin production from Pseudomonas aeruginosa JY21 using
statistical experimental designs
Gaber A. Abo-Zaid, Elsayed E.
Wagih,Saleh M. Matar,Nader A. Ashmawy, Elsayed E. Hafez |
(149-161) |
Piercing sucking
pests, growth and yield of sweet pepper cultivars as
affected by alternative covers under plastic tunnel
A.Y.M. Ellaithy , M. R. Shafeek,
Hoda .E. Hussein, & G. M. Abo-Elella |
(162-166) |
Response of Lettuce
(Lactuca sativa L., Ice-berg cv.) Plant to Integrated use of
Potassium Fertilizer
Doaa M. R. Abo-Basha, Neama M.
Marzouk, Helal R. G. M. |
(167-173) |
Usage of the nano
phosphorous fertilizers in enhancing the corn crop and its
effect on corn borers infestations after fungi treatments
Sabbour Magda and Hussein M.M. |
(174-186) |
Effect of
Putrescine and Uniconazole on Some Flowering
Characteristics, and Some Chemical Constituents of Salvia
Splendens F. Plant
M.M. Kandil, Soad M.M. Ibrahaim,
S.H. El-Hanafy and M.M. El-Sabwah |
(187-195) |
Influence of some
essential oils, chemical compounds and their mixtures
against Ceroplastes rusci L. and Asterolcanium pustolans
Cock on fig trees
Ismail I.A.; R.S. Abdel-Rahaman and
M.A. Abdel-Raheem |
(196-203) |
Maize productivity as
influenced by foliar fertilizer Stimufol Amino
Hassanein M.S., Amal G. Ahmed,
Nabila M. Zaki and M. Hozayn |
(204-212) |
Vase life of
Solidago canadensis L. cut flowers as affected by some
chemical preservatives
Lobna, S. Taha, F.E.M. El-Quesni,
M.A. Darwish and E.A. El-Shereef |
(213-224) |
production of pyocyanin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa JY21 as
biocontrol agent against certain plant pathogenic fungi
Gaber A. Abo-Zaid, Elsayed E. Wagih,
Saleh M. Matar,Nader A. Ashmawy, Elsayed E. Hafez |
(225-236) |
A comparative study on reproductive and productive
performance of Boer and Baladi goats raised under similar
environmental conditions in Egypt
S, R. Salama, M. I. Mohamed, M. M. Mabrouk, R. I. EL-Kady,
A. I. Kadry and Sawsan. M. Ahmed |
(237-244) |
Evaluation of safe
postharvest treatments for controlling Valencia orange green
and blue moulds
Ibrahim E. Elshahawy, Sirag M.
Lashin, Nehal M. Saied and Farid Abd-El-Kareem |
(245-260) |
Using Bioproducts Made
with Native Microorganisms to Limit the Damage for Some
Sugar Beet Cultivars Seeds
Abdalla M.Y., Wafaa M.Haggag and
Rayan M.M. |