International Journal of  PharmTech Research 


Vol.3, No.3, JULY-SEPT 2011                            CODEN(USA): IJPRIF  ISSN : 0974-4304

                    INDEX  Click the titles for PDF

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Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic and Antipyretic activities of root of Wattakaka volubilis


Amit Kumar Shukla, S. P. Mishra, Ravi Varma


Review of Simultaneous determination of analytes by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HLPC) in multicomponent cough and cold oral drug products.


Nitin Borkar, Sakshi Sawant


Phytochemical and TLC Studies of Ethanolic Extract of Sesbania grandiflora (Fabaceae).


Avalaskar A.N., Itankar .P.R., Joshi V.S., Agrawal.M., Vyas J.


HF, DFT Computations and Spectroscopic Study of the Vibrational and Thermodynamic Properties of Metformin


V Renganayaki and S Srinivasan


Evaluation of pH trigger oil entrapped buoyant beads of acetohydroxamic acid for eradication of Helicobacter pylori


Girish Kumar Tripathi, Satyawan Singh, Gopal Nath.


Application of Optimization techniques in the Microwave-assisted Organic synthesis of some Schiff’s bases


Rakesh R. Somani, Shashikant T. Pawar, Pushkar P. Kalantri,

Aparna Chavan, P.Y.Shirodkar


Exploring the use of Isomalt as the tooth friendly sugar substitute in the formulation of Salbutamol sulfate compressed tablet lozenges

Rajesh Kini, Mahalaxmi Rathnanand, Deepak Kamath


Formulation & Evaluation of Centella asiatica extract impregnated Collagen Dermal Scaffolds for Wound healing


M. Kishore Babu, B.VamsiKrishan  & T.E.G.K. Murthy


Total phenolic content, flavonoid content and in vitro antioxidant activities of Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f.) Ettingsh


S. P. Pattanayak, P. Mitra Mazumder, P. Sunita


Antibacterial  Activity of the Flavonoid, patulitrin isolated from the flowers of Tagetes erecta L.


S.Rhama and S. Madhavan

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