International Journal of  ChemTech Research 


Vol.2, No.1, Jan-Mar 2010                             CODEN(USA): IJCRGG      ISSN : 0974-4290

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Novel process for the synthesis of Zaleplon

Anil M. Naik,Shrikant D. Sawant, Girish A. Kavishwar, Smita G.Kavishwar



Formulation and Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablet of Tramadol HCl


R. Gendle, B. Kaushik, S. Verma, R. Patel, S.K.Singh, K.P. Namdeo



Simultaneous determination of Nitazoxanide and Ofloxacin in Tablet by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry (Dual Wavelength Method)


Shailendra Bindaiya, Shravan Bankey and Deepti Jain




Synthesis and Antihistaminic activity of Novel Pyrazoline derivatives


S.A.Rahaman, Y.Ragjendra Prasad, K.Bhuvaneswari, Phani Kumar



Analytical Method Development and Validation of Amlodipine and Hydrochlorothiazide in combined dosage form by RP-HPLC

Safeer K., Anbarasi B., N.Senthil Kumar




Removal of Fe(III)  from Aqueous solutions using Ricinus communis Seed shell and Polypyrrole coated Ricinus communis Seed shell  Activated Carbons


K. Karunakaran and P. Thamilarasu



improvement in Properties  of Urea  by Phosphogypsum Coating


Manish Vashishtha, Papireddy Dongara , Dhananjay Singh



Antiepileptic and Antimicrobial Activities of Novel 1-(unsubstituted/substituted)-3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazole Derivatives


K. Anandarajagopal, J. Anbu Jeba Sunilson, A. Illavarasu, N. Thangavelpandian, R. Kalirajan



Method Development and Validation of Simultaneous Determination of Pioglitazone and Glimepiride in Pharmaceutical Dosage Form by RP-HPLC

B.Praveenkumar reddy, D.Boopathy, Bibin Mathew, M.Prakash, and P.Perumal





Spectrophotometric Determination Of Pure Amitriptyline Hydrochloride Through Ligand Exchange On Mercuric Ion

P.Venkatesan, P.V.R.S.Subrahmanyam and D.Raghu Pratap


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