INDEX Page-1. |
Numbers) |
Title of Paper and
Names of Authors |
(01-11) |
Validation of SALTMED
Model under Different Water Regimes and N Fertilizer Rates
for Snap Bean
Mehanna H. M., Sabreen
K. Pipars, and Abdel-Salam El-Noemani |
(11-17) |
A.S.; Salama Y.A.M.; El-Nemr M.A. and
Abdel-Mawgoud A.M.R. |
Controlling Orobanche
crenata in Faba bean using the Herbicides Glyphosate and
Imazapic with some additives
El-Rokiek, Kowthar G,
El-Metwally, I. M., Messiha, Nadia K. and Saad El-Din Samia
Amin |
(27-32) |
of olive cultivar on growth parameters, mineral constituents
and cation – exchange capacity of fiberous roots
E. K., Abou Rayya M. S. and El-Sheikh M. H. |
(33-38) |
Vegetative growth of Manzanillo and Picual olive cultivars
as Affected by irrigation with saline water
Rayya M. S., Nabila E. K. and El-Sheikh M. H. |
(39-44) |
SIRMOD Model as a
Management Tool for Basin Irrigation Method in Calcareous
Mehanna H. M.;
Abdelhamid M.T.; Sabreen K. Pibars; Abdel-Salam El-Noemani |
(45-52) |
Chemical and
physiological response of maize to salinity using cobalt
Nadia Gad and
I.M. El–Metwally |
(53-68) |
Studies on the Possible
use of Rock phosphate in Agriculture
Mona, A. Osman |
(69-75) |
Kinetic Study of
Anaerobic Process Producing Biogas from Poultry Waste Water
G.Manikandan |
(76-82) |
Chemical composition and in vitro antioxidant activities of essential oil from Nigella sativa L. seeds cultivated in Syria
Mohamad Osama Al
Turkmani, Francois
Karabet, Loubna
Mokrani, and Chadi Soukkarieh |
(83-89) |
Vitamin A Contents Per
Serving of Eleven Foods Commonly Consumed in Jordan
Jafar M.F. EL-Qudah |
(90-95) |
Synthesis, Anhelmintic,
Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory activities of
Himaja Malipeddi* and
Moonjit Das |
(96-101) |
Investigations on Structural and optical properties of
4-chloro2-nitroaniline crystals for Nonlinear Optical
Sangeetha, R. Mathammal, L.Guru Prasad |
(102-108) |
Strengthening of Brick
Masonry Using Basalt Fiber Reinforced Cement Mortar
P.Jagadeesan and
T.Palanisamy |
(109-115) |
Wear Properties of P/M
Duplex Stainless Steels Developed from 316L and 430L Powders
R Mariappan, P. Kishore
Kumar, S.Jayavelu, G.Dharmalingam, M. Arun Prasad, A.Stalin |
(116-126) |
Saja S. Al-Taweel |
(127-137) |
Spectral elucidation of
some biologically important heterocyclic compounds by mass
Periyasamy Murugan |
(138-147) |
A Study Of Concentric
Tube Heat Exchanger With Different Porous Particles Using
Wilson Plot Analysis
Senthilkumar, P. Palanisamy |
(148-162) |
Global Chaos
Synchronization of Mathieu-Van der Pol Chaotic Systems via
Adaptive Control Method
Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan |
(163-168) |
Glucosamine and
Chondroitin Sulphate Content of Shark Cartilage (Prionace
glauca ) and its Potential as Anti-Aging Supplements
Sulityowati W., Titiek
Indhira A, Arsiniati Arbai and Erina Yatmasari |
(169-178) |
Protection from
hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis by regular
consumption of grape, apple or the extract
E.A.Abdel-Reheim, Zeinab El-Hawary, Seham S.Kassaem |
(179-186) |
Characterization and
Studying Analytical Properties of 2-[2-(2-hydroxy-3-methoxy
phenyl)-ethenyl] quinoline
Mohammad Al-shaibiAl-sid
Ibrahim, Farouk Kandil, AbdulkdirKh. Al Azrak |
(187-193) |
The correlation between
carbon tetrachloride Raman spectra and methanol
configuration in CH3OH/CCl4 mixtures
Kamal Kayed |
(194-199) |
Proliferator Activity, Expression Interleukin-2
andInterferon-γ of Immunoglobulin Y Anti HIV in Peripheral Blood Mononuclear
Sri Agus
Sudjarwo, Giftania Wardani Sudjarwo, Koerniasari |
(200-210) |
Theoretical Approach and
Physical Analysis of Optimized
Glassy Alloys
Raed Khadour, Fouaz
Saiouf, Iad Mdawar |