INDEX Page-2. |
Numbers) |
Title of Paper and
Names of Authors |
(211-216) |
Determination of the
Genetic similarity among some Genotypes of Durum Wheat (Triticum sp) and Wild species using (ISSR).
Fatema AL-Ganeer,
Mahmoud Sabboh, Salam Lawand |
S. Syed Zahirullah, J. Joseph Prince, M. Shahul
hameed and V.Rethinagiri |
Effect of AsamKandis (Garcinia xanthochymus) Pulp in Decreasing Level of Mercury
(Hg) and Plumbum (Pb) Content in Water Spinach (Ipomea aquatica Forssk)
Yusnidar Yusuf, Antonius
Herry Cahyana, Gerry Ahmadi Hantoro |
(228-234) |
Anti-Obesity Compounds from the Leaves of Plants Morus
Rosnani Nasution, Marianne, Mustanir, Merry Roswita |
(235-244) |
The Characteristics of
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Concentrated Microcapsules from
Wastewater Byproduct of Tuna Canning (Thunnus sp.)
Ni Wayan Suriani, Marthy
Lingkan Stella Taulu |
(245-248) |
Effect of DC-bias on
electrical properties of polymer/Nafion composites
Pandey, Girish M. Joshi |
(249-258) |
Identification of Cellulolitic and Butanol production
bacteria based on 16S rDNA from Ranu Pani Lake, East Java,
Ekwan Nofa
Wiratno, Suharjono, Agustin Krisna Wardani |
(259-265) |
Thickness dependent
structural, optical and electrical properties of chemical
bath deposited Cu2SnS3 thin films
E. Manjulavalli, A. G. Kannan |
(266-271) |
Role of Surfactants in
Oxidation of Pentaamminecobalt(III) Complexes of α-Amino
Acids by Perdisulphuric Acid: A Kinetic Study
P.Rajkumar |
(272-275) |
An overview of novel NLO
Succinate crystals
A. Vijayalakshmi,
Vidyavathy Balraj and B.Chithra |
Quantum Mechanical Study of the Structure and Spectroscopic
(FT-IRand FT-Raman), Fukui Function Analysis and First-Order
Hyperpolarizability of 2-Amino-1H-Purine-6(7H)-Thione
by Density Functional method
S.Sakthivel, T.Alagesan,
S. Muthu, T.Swaminathan, T.S.SaaiAnugraha |
(294-311) |
Computational Analysis
of tuberization protein linoleate 9S-lipoxygenase 3 from Solanum tuberosum
Rashmi Rameshwari, Swati
Madhu, Venkateshwara Prasad, Shilpa Chapadgaonkar |
(312-316) |
Investigation of
Corrosion Behavior of Light Weight NanoHybrid Al 6061-ZrO2 –SiC-
Gr Composites
N. Tiruvenkadam, M. Senthil Kumar |
(317-337) |
A novel validated RP-HPLC-DAD
method for the simultaneous estimation of Netupitant and
Palonosetron in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage form with
forced degradation studies
Uttam Prasad Panigrahy,
A. Sunil Kumar Reddy |
(338-340) |
S*) 6a, 1b, 7b, 11 tetramethoxy, 8b-ethoxy, 13-
neoclerodan-15, 16- olide from Scutellaria scandens.
Dwarika Prasad |
(341-345) |
Identifying new regions
infected by mycobacterium tuberculosis(TB) :Case Study in
Kumbakonam Region,Thanjavur District
Durga Karthik, K.
Vijayarekha and V. Dhivya |
(346-354) |
Equilibrium and
Thermodynamics Studies on the Removal of Iron (III) onto
Activated Hibiscus Sabdariffa Stem Nano Carbon
P.Manivannan, S.Arivoli,
Raja Mohammed |
(355-360) |
Maturitytime for some
local and introduced pear cultivars in Sweida governorate
depending on some environmental, physical and chemical
Rama Radwan, Faisal Hamed, Bayan
Muzher |
(361-366) |
Use a Quantum Chemical
to Study the Correlation between Intrinsic Viscosity of
Polypropylene in three solvents and structure properties
Wisam A. Radhi, Sadiq
M-H. Ismael, Kawkab A. Hussain |
(367-374) |
leakage current through nano particles 304-L stainless steel
coated with thin film
Ebrahimikia |
(375-382) |
Interferometric Investigations of
3-(Chloroaryl)-5-aryl-1-substituted Pyrazolines in Dioxane
A.O. Deshmukh, P.B.
Raghuwanshi |
(383-387) |
Characteraisation and Antimicrobial Activity of Substituted
Benzilic Acids
R. Sudha,
Charles C.Kanakam, Nithya.G |
(388-398) |
Effect of consumption of Milk and Yoghurt on Lipid metabolism and Atherosclerosis in adult male rats
Mona S. Halaby, Ibrahim H. Badawy; Mohammed H. Farag, Maha H. Mahmoud, Nabil S. Abd Rabou,
FatmaEl-zahraa S. Mohammed |
(399-410) |
A dietary supplement to Ameliorate Hyperglycemia and associated complications in Streptozotocin injected rats.
El-Shobaki, F. A; Maha, H. Mahmoud; Badawy I. H and Marwa, H. Mahmoud |