INDEX Page-1. |
Numbers) |
Title of Paper and
Names of Authors |
(203-215) |
The spectroscopic (FTIR,
FT-Raman and UV), first-order hyperpolarizability and
HOMO–LUMO analysis of an Antibiotic drug.
Percy Prema Leela, R.Hemamalini and S. Muthu |
(216-224) |
Prediction of Tensile
strength on Hybrid Composite of Basalt Fiber with Titanium
Oxide, Barium Sulphate and Silicon Carbide
T. Narendiranath Babu,
Ditto Ramesh, D S Suryavishnu,D.
Rama Prabha |
(225-240) |
Kinetic, equilibrium and
thermodynamic studies of synthetic dye removal using plastic
waste activated carbon prepared by CO2 activation
T.K.Manimekalai, G.Tamilarasan, N.Sivakumar & S.Periyasamy |
(241-249) |
Characterization, Study of Biological Activity and Molecular
Docking of Benzil and its Substituted Analogs.
Nithya.G, Charles C.Kanakam, Sudha.R |
(250-256) |
Thermal Energy Storage
using Phase Change Materials and their Applications: A
B.Janarthanan and Suresh Sagadevan |
(257-263) |
Tunsten Oxide
Thin Films by Reactive Sputtering Gas Pressure Ratios
J. Selvi
and P.Mani |
(264-267) |
Solid state
synthesis and characterization of calcium phosphate for
biomedical application
Arkin V H, Meenu Lakhera, I. Manjubala, U. Narendra Kumar |
(268-277) |
Optical, Thermal and Dielectric Studies on Novel Semi
Organic Non Linear Optical Crystal by Solution Growth
E.Ilango, G. Ganesh, R.Rajasekaran |
(278-284) |
of Nano particles in High Performance Concrete (HPC)
P. Jaishankar and K. Saravana Raja Mohan |
(285-290) |
Kinetics of thermal
decomposition of binary complexes of rare earth metals with
some biologically relevant ligands
Richa Gupta, Tanay Pramanik and K. C. Gupta |
(291-296) |
Experimental investigation on Fly ash based Slurry
Infiltrated Fibrous Concrete (SIFCON) in Normal and
Aggressive Environment
D. Elavarasi and Dr.K.Saravana Raja Mohan |
(297-302) |
Effect on Annealing
Temperature on Zno Nanoparticles
Sugapriya S, Lakshmi S, Senthilkumaran C.K |
(303-309) |
Effect of Thermal Growth
on Strutural And optical Properties
Sugapriya S, Lakshmi S, Senthilkumaran C.K |
(310-314) |
Optical Properties of
Rare Earth Doped Borate Glasses
D. Kothandan, R. Jeevan Kumar |
(315-323) |
of Physicochemical Properties of Al2O3 Nanofluid as Coolant in Automotive Radiator Test rig and
Multi Response Optimization of Heat Transfer Rate using
Taguchi's Orthogonal Array
Kannan C & Vijayakumar T |
(324-343) |
Kinetic Modeling and
Multicomponent Isotherm Studies on Adsorption of Multi Heavy
Metal Ions in MSW Leachate by Alcoffine
Senthilkumar.G and Murugappan. A |
(344-348) |
Crystal structure
analysis of
K. Hemanathan, R. Raja,
D. Kathirvelan, B. S. R. Reddy, K.
Sakthi Murugesan |
(349-357) |
Bio Oil
Production:Pyrolysis of Saw Dust in an Auger Reactor
Kothari, Archit B. Shah, S. Murugavelh |
(358-367) |
Biotreatment of waste
gas containing MEK in a using agro based biofilter
kumar,V.Saravanan and M.Rajasimman |
(368-378) |
Acoustical Studies on Molecular interaction
of 2’-Chloro-4-Methoxy-3-Nitro Benzilic acid with various
Solvents at different concentrations using Ultrasonic
R .Sudha, C Kanakam and G.Nithya |
(379-387) |
Application of salicylic
acid on Calendula officinal L is to alleviate the
adverse effects of salinity stress
Kh.I Azza, A.M.Mazhar, Sahar, M. Zaghloul, Nahed,
G. Abdel Aziza, Mona H.Mahgoub and Rawia, A. Eid |
(389-400) |
Effect of antioxidants
on some morphological and anatomical features of maize grown
under salinity conditions
Ali Z.
A., Hussein M. M. and El-Taher A. M. |
(401-411) |
Effect of Some Medicinal Plant Seed Meals
Supplementation and their Effects on the Productive
Performance of Male Rabbits
Yasser A. A. El-Nomeary R. I. El- Kady and A. A. El-Shahat |
(412-422) |
Implication of Rate and
Time of nitrogen application on Yield and Nitrogen Use
Efficiency of Barley in Sandy Soil
A. S.
Taalab, Safaa, A. Mahmoud and Hanan, S. Siam |
(423-440) |
assessment and mitigation measures for certain amendments
used in the bioremediation of sewaged soils
Saber, Hussein F. Abuouziena, Essam Hoballah, Fatma
Abd-Elzaher, AzzaTurkey and Alaa Zaghloul |