INDEX Page-2. |
Numbers) |
Title of Paper and
Names of Authors |
(441-451) |
Effect of
Chelated Fe, Zn and Mn Soil application with Spraying GA3
and Ascorbic Acid on Growth, Yield and Fruit Quality of
Flame Seedless Grapevines under Calcareous Soil Conditions
Emad Abd
El-Razek, Aml
R.M. Yousef and Nazmy
Abdel-Hamed |
(452-458) |
Effect of Zinc foliar
application on growth characteristics and Grain Yield of
some Wheat varieties under Zn deficient sandy soil condition
Habbasha, S.F., Elham A. Badr and Ezzat Abdel Latef |
(459-467) |
Influence of
environmental factors, flooding period and seeding depth on
germination and emergence of barnyardgrass [Echinochloa
crus-galli (L.)] Beauv.]
Hussein Fawzy Abouziena,
Mohamed El-Sayed El-Awadi, Hamed Mohamed El-Saeid, Ibrahim
Mohamed El-Metwally, Ibraheem
Roshdy El-Desouki and Megh Singh |
(468-482) |
Potentiality of
Ornamental Plants and Woody Trees as Phytoremidators of
Pollutants in the Air: A Review
Nahed G.
Abd ElAziz, Mona H. Mahgoub, Azza, M. M. Mazhar, M. M.
Farahat and Hussein F. Abouziena |
(483-489) |
Biomass Production from
Blue Green Microalgae under
Nutrient Stress
Abouel-Fotouh, A.M., Attia, N.K., El Diwani, G., S. Abo El-Enin,
S., Abdo, S. M., Ali, G. |
(490-495) |
Effect Of Compost
Tea On Growth Character Of Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) Under Surface And Subsurface Drip Irrigation
Sabreen Kh.
Pibars, Ebtisam I. Eldardiry, Soha E. Khalil, and M. Abd El-Hady |
(496-504) |
Electrochemical Changes In Soil Solution As Affected By Soil
Moisture Regimes And Soil Texture Through Growth Period Of
Rice Plants
Abd El-Moez M. R., Holah, S.h.Sh, Abou Zeid, S.T. and Hanan
S. Siam |
(505-513) |
Influence of irrigation
deficit and humic acid on soil and canola growth characters
and water use efficiency
Ebtisam I.Eldardiry, Sabreen, Kh. Pibars, and M. Abd El-Hady |
(514-522) |
Photosynthetic pigments
and fruit quality of Manzanillo olive as affected by
6-benzyladenine and studying the chemical constituents in
leaves using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Abou Rayya M.
S., Thanaa Sh. M. and Nabila E. K. |
(523-529) |
Evaluation of
Antiproliferative and cytotoxic Activities of Tulsi
essential oils
Abeer Y.
Ibrahim, Faten M. Ibrahim, Mohamed E.I. |
(530-543) |
Influence of spraying
yeast extract and humic acid on fruit maturity stage and
storability of “Canino” apricot fruits
K. M. Shaaban, Morsey, M. M. and Thanaa, Sh. M. Mahmoud |
(544-549) |
Yield and fruit quality
of Hayany date palm as affected by different pollen grain
M.A., E.A.M.Mostafa, M.M.S. Saleh, A.A. Mansour |
(550-555) |
Investigation Upon Yielding Index Of Sesam Applying Two
Different Water Resources.
Hassib, Y. El
Shaffey, T. el-Messiri and F .Morsi |
(556-564) |
Effect of Maize - Cowpea Intercropping on Light
Interception, Yield and Land Use
Abd El-Lateef, E. M.;
M. S. Abd El-Salam S.F. El-Habbasha and M. A. Ahmed |
(565-573) |
Identification of main
constituents of date odour and their behavioural activity
against Ephestia cautella in white sticky traps
Shadia E. Abd El-Aziz,
Abdel Rahman H., Omer E.A. , Abdel-Hakim
E .A. and Fahim Sh. F. |
(574-581) |
and Growth Response of Canola Plants to Salicylic Acid under
Salt Stress Conditions
M.M., Rezk ,A.I. , A. B. El- Nasharty and H.M. Mehanna |
(582-588) |
Response of yield and
its components in Barely (Hordeum vulgar L.) to
Inoculation with Microorganisms and phosphorus Chemical
fertilizer under newly reclaimed sandy soil
A., Badr, M.H.M. Afifi ,Gehan Sh.H.Bakhoum and Gehan A.,
Amin |
(589-598) |
acid pretreatment of Sweet sorghum stalk and its
Jonesh Swaminathan , Perumal Raj Jayapal, Meera
Asokan, Dhanasekar Ramasamy |
(599-602) |
Time response to
Cytochrome C, Caspace 8 and PARP-1 Expression of Traumatic
Brain Injury (TBI) in Rats(Rattusnorvegicus) Model
Imam Hidayat, RullyRoesli, ZafrullahArifin, Aulanni’am Aulanni’am |
(603-606) |
Kinetic Study on the
Oxidation of Phenyl Vinyl Sulfide with Iron(Iii)-Polypyridyl
Complexes in the Presence of Non-Ionic Micelle
Balakumar P, Balakumar S, Subramaniam P |
(607-611) |
Retinal Digest
Procedures for Examining Pericyte and Endothelial On Retinal
Vasculature Using Rat Model
Nadia Artha Dewi, Noer
Muhammad Dliyaul Haq, Hidayat Sujuti, Aulanni'am Aulanni'am, DjokoWahonoSoeatmadji |
(612-620) |
Characteristics of Carbon-Epoxy with Ceramic Particles
Composites for Centrifugal Pump Bearing Application
Karthik, P. Senthilkumar |
(621-627) |
Effect of Steel and
Polypropylene Fibres on the Strength Characteristics of a
Cement Concrete Overlay
Prasanna Kumar R, Vijayabaskaran S, PrasannaVenkatesh. R,
Saravanamoorthy S.V, and Srinath. M |
(628-634) |
Study of
Bio-efficacy of Alkali tolerant Trichoderma against
damping off and rotting diseases of Tomato and Cauliflower
caused by Pythium spp. and Sclerotina spp.
Kumari, Kausik Basu, T.G.Nithya, AjitVarma, Amit C
(635-639) |
Investigation on the
Physicochemical Properties of Non-Linear Optical Single
Crystal: L-Cysteine Borate Decahydrate
V.Azeezaa, A. Joseph Arul Pragasam, T.G. Sunitha And S.Suresh |
(640-644) |
In SilicoStudy of Apigenin as COX-2 Inhibitor and In vivo Studies
of Apigenin contained in MethanolicExtract of of Atactodeastriata for DecreasingMalondialdehyde Levels
On Inflammatory Bowel Disease Rats
Shofia, Aulanni’am Aulanni’am and Sasangka Prasetyawan |
(645-653) |
Organic Compound Rhodamine B Degradation by TiO2/Ti
Electrode in a New Portable Reactor
Maulidiyah, Halimahtussaddiyah Ritonga, Richard Salamba,
Dwiprayogo Wibowo, Muhammad Nurdin |