International Journal of  PharmTech Research 


Vol.2, No.1, Jan-Mar 2010                            CODEN(USA): IJPRIF      ISSN : 0974-4304

                    INDEX  Click the titles for PDF

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Hepatoprotective,  Antioxidant and Phytochemical Properties of Leaf Extracts of Newbouldia Laevies


Hassan S.W., Salawu, K., Ladan M.J. ,Hassan, L.G., Umar, R.A.

and Fatihu, M.Y.



Wound Healing Actvity of Sida acuta in Rats


S.Akilandeswari,  R.Senthamarai,  R.Valarmathi and S.Prema



Spermicidal Activity of Azadirachta indica (Neem) Aqueous Leaf Extract on Male Albino Rats


K.Sathiyaraj, A.Sivaraj, P.Vinoth Kumar, K.Devi,B.Senthil Kumar



Formulation, Evaluation and Optimization of Aceclofenac Sustained Release Matrix Tablets


Indranil Kumar Yadav, Hari Pratap Singh, Rana Pratap Singh Pawan Kumar Tiwari, Dinesh Chandra, Durga Jaiswal and D.A. Jain



Spectrophotometeric Methods for Determination of Doxycycline in Tablet Formulation


Amit Kumar, Sanju Nanda and Rajiv Chomwal




Non-Invasive Insulin Delivery Systems: Challenges and Needs for Improvement


Pandey Shivanand



Carrier Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells) for Delivery of Biopharmaceuticals and their Applications


Pandey Shivanand




Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Etoricoxib and Paracetamol in a Laboratory Mixture


T.S. Khade, D.S. Saindane AND Y.V. Pore




(632-639 )      

Herbs Play an Important Role in the Field of Cosmetics


Pandey Shivanand, Meshya Nilam, D.Viral


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