International Journal of PharmTech Research | |
Vol.2, No.1, Jan-Mar 2010 CODEN(USA): IJPRIF ISSN : 0974-4304 |
INDEX Click the titles for PDF
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PT-11 (60-67 )
Punica granatum attenuates Angiotensin-II induced hypertension in Wistar rats
Harshal Waghulde, Mahalaxmi Mohan, Sanjay Kasture, R.Balaraman
PT-12 (68-77) |
Recent Advances in Transdermal Drug Delivery System
Debjit Bhowmik,Chiranjib ,Margret Chandira, B.Jayakar, K.P.Sampath |
PT-13 ( 78-83)
Hindustan Abdul Ahad, Rajesh V, Raghavendra Gupta M V, Lasya D N, Harish N, Khamartaz M |
PT-14 (84-88 ) |
Formulation and Evaluation of Orodispersible tablets of Alfuzosin
S.A. Raju., M.V. Rampure,S.B. Shirsand., P.V. Swamy., D.Nagendrakumar., B. Basawaraj and D. Raghunandan |
PT-15 (89-96) |
PT-16 ( 97-105) |
Review of Plants showing Ant-hypoglycemic activity.
S N Khadatkar |
PT-17 ( 106-112) |
Investigation on Physical-Mechanical Properties of Natural Polymer Films
Tekade A.R. & Gattani S.G.
PT-18 ( 113-117) |
Kamila M. M., Mondal N., Ghosh L.K. |
PT-19 (118-120) |
Investigation of Antimicrobial Activity of Cordia macleodii and Leucas ciliata leaves Naseem N. Qureshi, Bhanudansh S. Kuchekar, Nadeem A. Logade,Majid A. Haleem |
PT-20 (121-124) |
Pharmacognostic Studies of the Lagenaria Siceraria (Molina) Standley
Biren N. Shah and Avinash K. Seth
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