International Journal of PharmTech Research |
Vol.2, No.2, April-June 2010 CODEN(USA): IJPRIF ISSN : 0974-4304 |
INDEX Click the titles for PDF
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PT=91 (1547-1549) |
Tharkar P. R. , Tatiya A. U., Shinde P. R ., Surana S. J., Patil U. K.
PT=92 (1550-1557) |
Design and Evaluation of Drug Loaded Erythrocytes Sudha S. Rathod, S. G. Deshpande, Dhiraj S. Nikam and Mudra S. Rathod |
PT=93 (1558-1532) |
Pentacyclic Triterpinoids from Betula utilis and Hyptis suaveolens Prince P. Sharma, R. K. Roy B and Anurag, Dinesh Gupta |
PT=94 (1563-1568) |
Baldha R. G., Patel Vandana. B. and Mayank Bapna |
PT=95 (1569-1573) |
S. Shyamala Gowri and K. Vasantha |
PT=96 (1574-1577) |
Formulation and Evaluation of Mouth Dissolving Tablets of Ranitidine HCl
Sachin Sharma, Jitendra Kumar,Arun Arya, Amrish Chandra, Pankaj Jaiswal |
PT=97 (1578-1583) |
Preparation and Evaluation of Flurbiprofen Gel; Mucilage of Cocculus hirsutus Leaf Powder as Gel Base
K. Mallikarjuna Rao, K. Gnanaprakash, A.V. Badarinath, C.Madhusudhana Chetty, M. Alagusundaram |
PT=98 (1584-1594) |
Enantioseparation of Chiral Drugs – An Overview
Bhupinder Singh Sekhon |
PT=99 (1595-1602) |
Separation of Pharmaceutical Enantiomers using Supercritical Fluid Technology Bhupinder Singh Sekhon |
PT=100 (1603-1608) |
Anticancer Evaluation of Artemisia nilagirica
Devmurari V.P., Jivani N.P. |
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