International Journal of  PharmTech Research 


Vol.2, No.2, April-June 2010                                                CODEN(USA): IJPRIF      ISSN : 0974-4304

                    INDEX  Click the titles for PDF

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PT=101               (1609-1614)

Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Investigation of Luffa acutangula var. amara Fruits

Kalaskar Mohan G. ,Surana Sanjay J.


PT=102               (1615-1624)

Influence of different solvents on crystal property and solubility characteristics of Carbamazapine

Tejal Prajapati, Priyal Patel


PT=103               (1625-1633)

Development and Validation of Simultaneous HPLC method for Estimation of Telmisartan and Ramipril in Pharmaceutical Formulations


Sunil Jawla, K Jeyalakshmi, T Krishnamurthy, Y. Kumar

PT=104               (1634-1638)

Reversed Phase High Presssure Liquid Chromatograhphic Technique for Determination of Sodium Alginate from Oral Suspension


Rele R. V., Warkar C. B.

PT=105         (1639-1643)

Formulation and Evaluation of Taste Masked Fast Disintegrating Tablets of Lisinopril


Pandey Shivanand, Viral Devmurari Manish Goyani

PT=106 (1644-1648)

Screening of Gastric Antiulcer   Activity of  Sida acuta  Burm


S.Akilandeswari*, R.Senthamarai, R.Valarmathi, S.Shanthi and S.Prema1

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