[March 10–12 March 2014] Second SPECIAL ISSUE.
International Conference
on Materials and Characterization Techniques 2014 |
INDEX Page-3. |
Numbers) |
Title of Paper and
Names of Authors |
(3307-3309) |
FTIR Spectroscopy XRD, SEM
EDX and AFM Studies On Natural Biomaterial
Shanmugam.Sand, Arabi
Mohammed Saleh, M.A., |
(3310-3317) |
Processing and Mechanical
Characterization of Self Reinforced Polymer Composite
Chandran M, Padmanabhan K, MaximeZilliox, ConstanstinK
(3314-3317) |
The Influence of Rigid Foam
Density on the Flexural Properties of Glass
Fabric/Epoxy-Polyurethane Foam Sandwich Composites
Chava Uday, Ch. Surya
Teja Varma, Bh. N.S. Kaushik Varma, M Ramya & K.
(3318-3320) |
Mechanical Behaviors of
Rice Husk and Red Mud Hybrid Bio Particulated Coir-Polyester
G. Bharathiraja, S.
Jayabal and S. Sathiyamurthy |
(3321-3324) |
Studying the effect of KCl Addition on the Optical
Properties and Morphological of the Solid Polymer
Electrolyte film.
Sharanappa Chapi, Raghu S, Mini V, Archana K, Devendrappa H.
(3325-3327) |
Study of Cladding Modified With Polyaniline Immobilised
Glucose Oxidase Intrinsic Fiber Optic Glucose Biosensor
Vikas G.
Pahurkar, Gajanan G. Muley |
(3328-3331) |
Preparation of Silk based
Hydrogel and Sponges for Tissue Engineering Application in
Cartilage Repair/Replacement
M. Annie Rosalyn and R. Sridhar Skylab |
(3332-3335) |
Treatment of Textile
Effluents by Ion-Exchange Polymeric Materials
V. Parameswaran, E.R.
Nagarajan and A. Murugan |
(3336-3338) |
Studies on Flexural
Optimization of Glass Fabric-Epoxy Skin/Rigid Foam Core
Sandwich Composites
Suresh E, Hemnath T,
Padmanabhan K |
(3339-3342) |
Influence of Post Curing on
the Flexural Properties of a Rigid Polyurethane or
Polyisocynurate Foam-Glass/Epoxy Face Sheet Sandwich
R.S.Ostwal, A.V.Sawant,
A.A.Dumre, A.R.Takalkar, M Ramya, K.Padmanabhan |